Report it!

Please note: this is NOT a formal complaint. If you want to make a formal complaint of discrimination, fill out your details below and EOT will get in touch with you.

Reporting is important, even if you don’t want to make a formal complaint, because the data can help us better understand the issues facing our community and help us create better resources to make our communities safer and more inclusive places.

The more information you give the better. If you are completing this form as someone who has witnessed an incident, please indicate in the ‘What happened?’ section and complete the remainder of this form to the best of your ability.
e.g. What were they wearing? Did they have a hat, or clothing with a logo?
eg. What did they say, and how did they say it (were they angry, or laughing)? Did they have an accent or speak in a distinctive way?
How Did You Hear about Equal Opportunity Tasmania?
Details of the person(s) who was abused or harassed (if known)

The following information is collected for statistical purposes only

Do you identify as / Did the victim(s) appear to be
Do you identify as / Did the victim(s) appear to be
Police contact
Do you want us to contact you?
Do you require a translator?
Contact Tasmania Police?
Do you want us to tell Tasmania Police about this matter? If you select Yes, we will provide this form to Tasmania Police

Any personal information given to us is managed in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act 2004.